Friday, January 11, 2008

Reverse Dog Whistle

I might be accused of stretching for this a bit, but is it possible that the Clintons are engaged in reverse dog-whistle politics? Could it be that they are intentionally dropping the odd racially insensitive remark here and there that the typical non-black voter will not be sensitive enough to pick up on but that will be very noticible to the typical black person? The motivation behind such a gambit would be to get black activists riled up so that they rally to Obama's defense with loud and angry denunciations thus helping to create the impression that Obama is "playing the race card" and is too angry and race obsessed for your typical white or latino voter to support. It's sort of a racist, dirty pool bank shot. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Eclectablog said...

Sean, I'd love to make sure you get hooked up with OFA in your area. Drop me a line at I'd love to yak with ya!